Community benefits

Image above: Render of the retail kiosk space housed within the front of the supermarket from the northern end of Selwyn Street.

The precinct will contribute to both community and economic outcomes for Elsternwick and include the following benefits:

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Job creation

Creating jobs during construction and more than 220 ongoing jobs in retail. The jobs generated will encourage spending within the local area, with flow on benefits within the local economy and to residents.

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Convenient retail

Meeting a shortfall in convenient shopping facilities, identified as part of Glen Eira City Council’s Structure Plan.

Icon of Selwyn Street fire station

Heritage, retention

Restoring the heritage fire station on Selwyn Street, and repurpose the use for a BWS, with a residential lobby to the building’s southern apartments.

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and open space

Our design features streetscape works and landscaping to seamlessly integrate the building into the surrounding area. We plan to retain twelve mature trees on Selwyn Street and Sinclair Street, with additional trees planted around the building.

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Improved car parking

Over 200 car spaces for retail, community and commercial use are proposed for 10 Selwyn Street. There are also 156 residential car spaces. Additional car spaces will provide community parking to help meet the parking demand currently experienced in Elsternwick.

Operational and design considerations

Deliveries: The proposal allows for the supermarket to be serviced by smaller delivery trucks no more than 14.5 metres in length. We will propose deliveries between 6.00am and 9.00pm and will avoid school pick up and drop off times.

Access: Traffic lights are proposed to be installed at the intersection of Selwyn Street and Glen Huntly Road with pedestrian connection between Elsternwick Plaza and the proposed Cultural Precinct on Selwyn Street. The majority of cars will enter and exit the site via Selwyn Street from Glen Huntly Road, away from surrounding residential streets.